How Podcasting Has Help Generate Leads for My Business

How Podcasting, Live Streaming & Content Marketing Has Made a Difference in My Businesss

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Michael Stewart
Hello, hello and welcome I’m Mike Stewart. And here we are at Mike Stewart dot live. So glad to be here. Waiting, hopefully some folks are going to be getting their seats and we can have some good q&a today, I don’t have a guest today I wanted to talk about some of my own case study examples of things that I’m doing with audio and video in a couple of businesses, and I want to document those things. And I want to share with you that if you make the commitment to create content online, and you make the commitment to do something regularly, you know, it holds you accountable, it’s, it’s really, you know, I am guilty of procrastinating. You know, it’s one thing to know how to do something, it’s another thing to want to learn how to do something. And it’s another thing to make the commitment to do it regularly. You know, there’s a lot of things that applies to, but the health of your business and the health of your your mind. And everything you know, makes a commitment to sticking to a program and and being held accountable. That’s why having a coach having a mentor holds you accountable. going live for me holds me accountable to the one of the probably the most important things that I’m doing these days for my business, which is content marketing. So you know, I don’t know if you’re on my mike Stewart dot live website if you’re on YouTube or Facebook. But one of the things that I’m doing, and I’m teaching and dot live secrets, which by the way, I’ll bring up our sponsor here. This The show is brought to you by dot live go live, repurpose and archive, the ultimate content marketing solution? Well, you know, it’s not only do I teach it, do I recommend it to my coaching clients, to my business owner, colleagues, but I do it myself, because it’s that important. These days, this day and age. You know, we hear about SEO, or search engine marketing, or search engine optimization. And there’s been some evidence that it’s really, really hard to get ranked in the search engines for certain keywords that bring you customers. And it’s a cat and mouse game. I wish SEO was was doing better than but you know, we’ve seen, in fact, there was a report I read read recently that SEO is 50% of what it was 10 years ago, doesn’t mean it’s gone away. It just means that there are two other ways to, to get found online and build relationships of know, like and trust. And one of those is paid advertising, which I’m a huge supporter of a big fan of paid advertising. That’s called search engine marketing, Google AdWords, Facebook ads, Twitter ads. I mean, there’s all kinds of folks out there there, recommend ways that you can get people to your content and your websites. But content marketing is the commitment to make good content, do it and one of the ways that I’m doing it is by going live, and then repurposing that content. So let me let me pull up a slide that I’ve built here and kind of just go through what’s going on with me these days. And I’m going to pull up my slideshow over here, it’s over on this monitor, I got to bring it down to this monitor. This way I can share it with you.

Michael Stewart
There we go. And I’m gonna get over here. And I’ll bring up my slides. So one of the things I want to talk about today is how my live streams like Mike Stewart dot live, I’ve got two live streams that I do. And one is in a vertical of pest control. And I’m going to share with you things that we’re doing with audio and video and marketing and content marketing. You know, my good friend, Jeff herring, is the content guy. He’s the guy who has templates because people struggle with what content to make. You know, one of the things about going live, I have to think about Okay, I got two weeks to think about what the next show is what guest Am I going to have and I’ll be honest with you, I was wanting a guest for today that couldn’t make it. So I said you know what, I’m going to go solo today and talk about what I’m doing with content marketing. So number one, if you’ve never seen Gary Vaynerchuk content marketing pyramid, you should look at that it’s free on the internet, just Google Gary Vaynerchuk content marketing process and you’ll see that this is a slideshow about 80 slides of the the massive amounts of content marketing that he does in his business. So I’m don’t have near the energy He does. He’s, you know, half my age. And he’s just a powerhouse of energy. But he made a comment one time, he said, I should be doing 1000 pieces of content a day 1000 pieces of content a day, 7000 month 28,000 pieces of content a month. Now he has a huge team that helps him make that reality. He says that’s what he wishes he was doing 5000 pieces of content a day, which I think is pretty unrealistic. I am committing to two major pieces of what’s called pillar content. What you’re witnessing right now is my pillar content. What you’re witnessing right now is me making commitment that on the second and fourth Monday of the month, I’m going to try to deliver some really good content. And then the marketing strategy is I’m building content that lives on the internet forever and can be repurposed. In fact, the slogan I have here is I’m going live, then I repurpose that content, and then it’s archived on the internet forever. And it has links back to the all the things that are my business. So my pillar content and your pillar content with audio and video, the easiest way to make content is just talk to people just like I’m talking to you. And I see people are coming in here, I look forward to maybe taking some live questions here at the end. But at the end of the day, you can see that’s that’s what this is based on. Now I wanted to share with you my two live streams that I’m doing that I’m doing, going live repurposing, and I am archiving and how do I archive this content, YouTube video, Facebook video, I stripped out the audio, it becomes my podcast, I transcribe it, it becomes a blog post, and then you can chop it chop it up, as Gary says into micro pieces of content. So in other words, you can take one thing that takes you you know, I average 2020 to 30 minutes. By myself, when I have a guest, it seems like we get into all kinds of tangents. And the next thing you know, an hour has gone by, but the thing is going live makes me make this pillar content. And I do it here. And in fact, I’ve invite you we did a show earlier this morning. For the pest control energy. This is a live stream just for a vertical, an essential business. I mean, it doesn’t matter what the vertical is real estate, haircare, healh, whatever business, whatever passion you have, you know, you could do a live stream about your passion. And then of course, point people back to the things that make you money, whether it’s a coach or performance or you name it, but we do it in the pet our audience, really our audience for Pest Control marketing dot live, could be anyone because if you just put your business in place where we say pest control, it would apply to you because they’re their direct response marketing principles. But when you’re talking to people in your niche, one of the things about my partner how Coleman, he was a pest control owner, so they really relate to him. And I get to share that trust and like ability, because I’ve partnered with somebody who is really a pest control guy, I mean, I could do this in real estate, but I’m not a real estate guy. I don’t know, the real estate business, not like a real estate person would are on and on and on. So anyway, the point is, is when I do a live stream with a partner like this, it holds me accountable. It’s like, I know, I’ve got to make a commitment to make the pillar content. And I wanted to show you the case study. So like I said, I have two pillar contents that I’ve come in committed to, I could do more. But in fact, I just saw Pat Flynn, who is one of the top podcasters in the world just put out an email that he has gone live every day for the since the start of the pandemic 200 live videos. That’s the kind of commitment some of the rock stars of content marketing do. And and I’ll be the first to admit I don’t want to do that much. But I’ll tell you what, what I’m doing is working and it’s better than doing nothing. So anyway, those are my two live streams, pod crunch. And in fact that’s why I got the URLs dot live. I want to make those my channels it’s really easy to remember I mean Pest Control marketing dot live, Mike Stewart dot live but one of the reasons I put my live stream on Mike Stewart dot live is there’s a lot of well known Mike Stuart’s in the world. Right here in Nashville. There’s a congressman, Mike Stewart and you Google Mike Stewart here in Nashville. all his stuff comes up. You Google Mike Stewart on the Google on Google worldwide. A body surfer famous surf guy or guy from California comes up named Mike Stewart. So I want my folks to know how to find me. That’s why I dominate live streaming for Mike Stewart. That’s why Mike Stewart dot live is all about me. It’s not I get this question all the time. Do you have to use a dot live? Absolutely not. But what you can’t control is when somebody hears something and what they remember. I hope that everybody hears this that knows that. If you want to get To my content that I am archiving on the internet, all you got to remember is four words Mike Stewart dot live those four words, and I dominate the search engines with content marketing. So how does live streams make us money? Well, what we do it really both of our websites, I’ve already had evidence of this, and I really haven’t been doing this. Since I think June, you know, really, since the pandemic hit that I got serious, I said, Oh, my gosh, you know how to podcast my, you know how to do YouTube videos, you know, all these things, but you’re procrastinating, you’re not doing what you teach others to do. You know, I did a lot of things, video sales letters, and I and we had been doing a podcast for the last three years in pest control. And it’s been making us money, because it’s building a know, like, trust factor with our audience. And, and in fact, I have to

Michael Stewart
give credit to my partner Hal Colman, he for years, he says, Mike, we need to do a TV show and online TV show. And I said, well, the technology is, you know, you can do zoom, but it’s it you know, you really need to do you a live stream, the illness, social media sites, and you need to do it to YouTube. And I said, there’s a piece of software called OBS, and I said, it’s just really just not, it’s not very friendly. And I don’t want to do it on zoom, because zoom is meeting software. Well, when joined stream yard came along. That’s what I’m using. Now. That’s that’s what changed everything this year. And so hence why we’re doing our live stream that way, and we started making it but what I really discovered about it was the re purposing opportunity. In other words, once I get done with this piece of content, my podcast is done. My blog is done. My social media is posted. I mean, I do one act, and I’m getting all this re-purposing of content marketing. And then I get also this opportunity to know it lives on the internet. For many years to come, I archive everything at our websites, if people can remember the four words, Pest Control marketing dot live, that’s five words, or Mike Stewart dot live, or they google it or they can go to the URL, that content is archived there. And so they can binge Listen, binge watch, in all these multiple places. So anyway, our content is making relationships with our target market. And of course, we’re surrounding our websites with links and backlinks to the things that make us money like our coaching programs, our membership sites, our downloadable programs. And one of my passions. You can see here, I have musical instruments here, my passion, I’m selling marketing music, what I call search term jingles to the pest control industry, and it’s working, and they’re using these jingles in their podcasts, everything is cross pollinated. And it’s all because of getting a relationship built online while I’m doing other things.

Michael Stewart
Now, let me tell you how we’re building our audience. And this is something that you can do. But this is working for the pest control, I will I need to do it for my own business, I haven’t started doing this, but we are buying advertising, very cheap advertising, to give away a free book called How to control your pest control business. So in other words, you should write a book, How To Grow whatever business you consult, or whatever business you do, and give it away. We did a program this morning on Pest Control marketing live about the power of giving things away free. And the power of reciprocity. When when you when you give away something of value to somebody, that’s called a freemium. And people are more apt to do business with people that were willing to give something first without any expectation. The reason I’m doing this content and giving it away free is because it’s the right thing to do. But in some of my networking groups, they actually have a slogan, givers get meaning that you know, when you’re willing to give away enough information to build a relationship, a percentage of the people will come back to you and do business. So in other words, be willing to build a relationship by giving something away free so we are paying advertising to get people to download our free book, and then that gets them on our email list, which we broadcast to them every time we do an episode. Hey, we’re going live, don’t miss it. And it’s building our audience and it’s doing the same thing. A lot of you here may be here because I emailed some of you may be subscribed to my YouTube channel. Some of you may follow me on Facebook. The I see people are here live now. But there’s a lot more that could come but it’s not just about going live. It’s about the fact that people can subscribe to it. Listen to it on demand. It’s the binge watching binge listening phenomenon of the internet, you know, Netflix and all those places have proven that. So let me get my mouse down here. So just to show you look at all the free books that we’ve given away in just the last 10 days, those are people getting in our funnel all from a free book that works on autopilot, we there’s no work here involved, it’s just set up. And that we know that these are targeted prospects, that we want to build a relationship, we haven’t tried to sell them anything. We just now have identified them. And we get them to go to our live stream, subscribe to our YouTube channel, get on our Facebook group, all of those things to build that relationship. And of course, we email that list to watch us live, you just like I email you, I’ve got an email list that’s built over years, we’re not trying to sell anything, all we’re trying to do is create great content that people will get value from and we know a percentage of those people will reach out because we do make it easy for you to reach out to us and do business with you. And that’s the lesson here. Then, in the live stream, which becomes our podcast, which becomes our YouTube videos, US becomes a Facebook post. And this is all instantly when I when I turn this system off. I’m 10 minutes from the podcast posting takes me another five minutes to transcribe the YouTube video is already posted. It’s already configured, the Facebook post is already there. And then we’re linking back to the things by the way, the only sponsor on our shows are us. I don’t try to get outside sponsors, the only sponsor for my show or for the pest control show, or the things that make us money. And so that’s a good segue for me right now. Here’s a word from our sponsor.

Michael Stewart
Dot Live  Secrets is here and I am more excited about this training than any offer I have made in years. Content Marketing is the way you build visitor traffic to your online business offers. Some say the only organic SEO left. When you make the commitment to create a regularly scheduled live show. Repurpose that show as a YouTube video podcast and apple and Spotify as a Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn post and transcribe that audio and text for articles means it is the fastest easiest way to do content marketing and have audience engagement. My course has three offers, do it yourself done for you. And a financed search term jingle bundle. I believe in this so much. I made the commitment to go live, purpose and archive myself. So go to dot live And you can start going live re-purpose an archive yourself.

Michael Stewart
Alright, um, my monitor here made a mistake. So that’s that’s the that’s the danger of going live. So any rate? Um, let’s pick back where were we worse now I just want to show you text messages from this week to show you that guys that this is social proof This is real. Um, this was a text that I got. My name is Josh and I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few weeks now. I’m starting a new pest control company in New Jersey. And you can see there on and on. I have a I have a acquire them. Let’s see what this is. I just need guidance through the process. You seem like a good fit. Let me know I’m available. And in fact what what he was saying here was, you know, there was no selling, there was absolutely no selling. This is just because I gave the ability to connect with me. And when I talked to this young man, Josh, he admitted to me that he binge listened to 40 of our podcasts. And then there here’s another one. There’s happened the other day, when are you available to help me set up a website? Thanks, john. So I’m just telling you, that content marketing is working for you while you’re doing other things. It’s real. And of course, this is something else that was kind of exciting just this week. One of the businesses that I do is I produce and manage podcasts for business clients. In fact, what you just heard a moment ago is my SERP term jingle. A search term jingle is my terms that I’m number one in Google for my dot live secrets brings up dot live secrets. Mike Stewart dot live all of those things that you’re hearing. I’m trying to be and establish in my audio. But we started doing the faith Pest Control podcast with a Pest Control Agency in North Georgia. And I got a text Actually, this week, I just sold a 1400 dollar termite job specifically, as a result of our podcast about treating termites. It’s just thought you’d like to know that, you know, I wanted to show you that sometimes you feel like, you know, am I doing this for nothing. But you know, I can tell you from consistently doing it, the first time I did it, I didn’t have live listeners. And I can see now I’ve got a lot more this is, thank you, folks, this is the biggest attended show I’ve had to date. And that means the q&a will even be more fun. And I you know, one of the things it’s all about, you know, binge watch us go back and watch it again, share it with your friends, it becomes social media, people ask me all the time, um, what what can I do about my social media, and I’m saying, Are you making media worth being social, social media just means content that’s being shared. And most of the time, that content is not constructive content, this is constructive, positive content, designed to help people whether we do business or not, and then we will, you know, as a business owner, that a percentage of the people can and will do business with you, if you if your intention, you know, if you’re, if what you teach is real, I just want to share with you that content marketing with, with my concept here is holding me accountable and making me do what I need to do. And then of course, one of the last things I want to mention about my passion about podcasting, which is what I’m doing right now, I’m doing a live stream going to turn it into a podcast. Um, this was huge. When Amazon said, We want your podcast, I mean, I got an email because I had a podcast, for pest control and for myself, and I was in Google and I was an apple. And so the question you got to ask yourself, if you’re not podcasting, if you’re not content marketing, if you’re not doing some sort of strategy, to hold you accountable to do something on a regular basis, and three of the largest tech successes ever on board, or wanting podcasts, you know, I’m in Google, I’m an apple, I’m an Amazon, you should be too. So here’s kind of the wrap up of that. And then we’ll take some questions here. My past business and my mike Stewart business, those are two businesses of mine, and both of them are

Michael Stewart
growing, even in spite of the crazy Times ran even in spite of the pandemic. Because, you know, unfortunately, unfortunately, there’s some businesses out there that are suffering, and we got to do everything we can to help people. So that’s why I figured giving away lots of great free content as a good thing to do. But at the same time, you know, work with businesses that are essential businesses, like pest control, and, and marketing and online marketing, I mean, learn from the big tech guys. So here’s the formula for building content marketing, using podcasting, blogging, and YouTube, live streaming, and Facebook Live, go live at a regular time, like me, I could, you know, I committed to twice a month, second and fourth Monday of the month, I want to in, make people be aware of that. That’s the regular time I’m going to do my best to never missed a second and fourth Monday of the month. Now, why didn’t I commit to more, because I’ve got a lot of other things I’m doing that I’m passionate about. And I didn’t want to make a commitment I couldn’t keep. So it’s better to do it once a month than then ever do it. It’s better to do it twice a month than once a month, I was talking to my good friend in one of our shows previously, which you ought to go back and listen to some of these other shows. Tom Antion was great. I’m gonna have Tom back again. He said he does three podcasts a week, this is a guy who poo pooed on podcasting, and now could trace all kinds of new business, he’s up to episode like 250 in three years, you know, and I’m ashamed to admit I’m only about Episode Seven here with this podcast. But you know what, at the end of the year, I’m going to have a whole lot more podcasts. I mean, you know, two a month means times as 24 podcasts that I’ll have done by the end of the year. Now, let’s see here. I’ve got pulled pull it back to the camera here. So any rate and then let me put that slide back up there. It this little monitor made a little mistake here. I’ll bring it back. It must have a timer on it that makes it shut down for no reason. All right, here we go.

Michael Stewart
So and then I’ll make it bigger here so you can see it. Sorry for those folks on the podcast that can’t see it all the more reason to go to Mike store dot live and watch the podcast but you can listen to it in the car anyway. So I take that on after we get that done. I the only advertiser in my content is me. I’m an advocate of search term jingles, search terms. jingles is when you sing the words that help you get found in Google, we’ve been doing that with all kinds of businesses. I take my audio from this live stream and I instantly because the stream yard can download, I don’t even have to strip it. It’s already built. I transcribe And it becomes a blog post. And then I promote distributed on social media, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Spotify, and I do it again and again and again from now on. So So the main thing is

Michael Stewart
now let’s go look at we’ve gotten some questions over here. I’m going to go ahead and take questions here for the last few minutes. And let’s see what see what some folks have to say here.

Michael Stewart
lots of nice comments like Thank you, my good friend Mike increases the real estate guru of Canada. Another good Canadian friends. Good to see you, sir. Martin Wales.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, this man. Yes, it is a nice shirt. Sean Sean made my shirt here for me.

Michael Stewart
You know, always, always be promoting. That’s, that’s what you should be doing. And let’s see. Okay, Tom says write a book Great idea, the reciprocal approach, which helps them to Well, good. My good friend, David Cavanaugh. Hey, good to see you here. Sir. We’re getting a lot of a kudos here. Let’s see. How many subscribers Do you need to live stream on YouTube? Zero, you just open a YouTube account and start building subscribers. I’ll be the first to admit. In fact, you know, to share my channel with folks get people subscribed to me start a YouTube channel today, practice with your YouTube, go go get it go to join stream And let me put that link up here in the banners. You want to go to join stream And I’ll put that URL up here, join stream And you can get a free account and start practicing. You know, you want to upgrade to the good it’s $25 a month to do all this magic. This is this is what I teach is what I use. And you know, you start even if there’s nobody listening, nobody watching. So that’s that’s one of the things and of course, I’m gonna put up my URL here that you know you that you want want you to go visit because that has all the links to my advertisers. Let’s see. Hi, Megan, how do you go live on YouTube? Well, yes, you have to have a YouTube channel. But if you’ve got a Gmail account, a Google account, you’ve got a YouTube channel, you just don’t want to ignore it. There’s a lot of settings to your YouTube channel that are important. You want to have linkbacks, you want to you know, we could spend that that’s, I’ve got a great live show on Mike store dot live with Ray lane that talks all about how the configuration and the things that you don’t want to ignore about YouTube. So Megan, you want to do that? Megan says, How do you transcribe my audio? Well, there’s lots of ways to do it. I mean, I’ve actually seen people teach transcriptions transcription, for free with YouTube. But you can do it for free at otter, just like the little little critter transcription, you can get a free account, right ai, that’s what I use. And I will put that I’ll put that link up there here. You can see it iping it that’s where artificial intelligence that’s the website that I just upload my mp3 right? stream yard makes the mp3 I’m instantly go there. I hit upload, I come back as transcribed. And it’s 99% accurate. And sometimes I just leave in some of the typos because I want people reading the typos and telling me Hey, there’s a typo in your website that way. I know they’ve been to my site where my advertisers are. So anyway, that’s what I use. Thank you can thank you I totally believe that and and i want others doing that. That’s a great I’m gonna steal that information builds respect. Well, you know, we were talking about it this morning with my partner how, when you when you give away yourself free. It just tells the world the universe that you know to bring good things back to you so givers get You know, it’s the principle of tithing. There’s a great book, my wife always tells me, I need to read the “Richest Man in Babylon.:  And I should read it again. But it’s all about, you know, having good intentions, and, and, and trying to help others and all those good things. So let’s see here. Let me pull up some other things. Let’s see if there’s other questions here. So if you need domains in and hosting, don’t forget domains you control. That’s another one of my thanks. But let’s see in the questions here, because I don’t want to go too long. We’re almost a 30 Minute. Mark here. Anybody else? Good morning, Lynn. Glad you’re here. Let’s see. Thank you, Michael. Appreciate that.

Michael Stewart
All right, let me see what Tom, what, Tom, you may have to clarify this. So you get their email each time? Yeah, I mean, the only way we give away our free book is we ask for a name and an email and nothing more. And, and then that builds our list. And so we’re buying very cheap targeted ads, to give away a book to get an email address, which is valuable, and then we send, then we keep giving away to them, our, our free podcast, our free live stream. And of course, you know, we’re accomplishing all of these goals. We’re giving away free content valuable, I hope you felt that this morning had value. I didn’t do this just to try to be selling something, obviously, we’re in business to sell things. But the whole purposes is I want to build the relationship of trust first, you know, I want people to know, like, and trust me, and it’s a numbers game. There’s a lot of people on this planet, and everybody has the internet and you can reach them all. So what you what you want to do is create content that whether people do business with you or not, is good content. If all you do is create something that says, brag, brag, brag, brag, brag, buy from me, brag, brag, brag, brag, brag buy from me. There’s a lot of people that do that. I’m not here to I’m not bragging about anything. I’m just telling you what I’m doing. And I’m archiving it and this video will live for you for years to come. We had a had a situation yesterday, I’m involved with a great group out of Australia. I used to speak at their seminars and it was called the world in it summit. And it’s called click seminars. In fact, I’m doing it all week this week. I am the stream yard host for them because I learned how to manipulate the software pretty well. And and they think they think I have a personality that fits. So I call myself most of the folks in Australia don’t know what I mean. But you guys in the US. I’m the Ed McMahon of Click, click seminars dot live. And we had a wonderful guest speaker yesterday that was supposed to join us, Alicia Lytyll, Alicia. In fact, I want to have Alicia on the program sometime. We need to have some of you guys here today on the program. But But I got a lot of programs to do. So there’ll be a slot for everybody. But Alicia’s power was out in Atlanta because of the hurricane. And we had to think quick and we figured out how to play a recording. And from the last time, and people didn’t know that it wasn’t live. I mean, it was it was we had 10 minutes to figure out how to cover our cover our readers, that’s the thing about live television, you have to think fast on your feet. And when something goes wrong, you had to go Oh, what am I going to do? How am I going to fix it? going live has it’s you know it takes practice it you have to get used to looking at the camera talking on the microphone. And you’re not only are you the talent, not only you’re the content, but you’re also the director, you’re the guy who’s changing everything. So let’s see if we have any other questions here. Thank you, I love people making wonderful you know, Barry Thank you can can says he has my background music. Well, that’s awesome. You see, you know, I turned my passion you can you can see here in my studio, and I’ll show it sorry for the podcasters but you know, I’m all about making music. That’s why I moved to Nashville, Tennessee. I’m involved with a lot of music projects, because that’s my passion. And I turned my passion into making money. So you know, I’ve turned it into a business Yeah, you know, can I don’t like to hard sell myself, I want to build a relationship of trust. And then you make the you make the decision is what he said and what he brought as content to me. Would that apply to me? Would that help me? And so any right? Let’s see here. Hi, Pamela. Miss you guys. I’m glad to be on. You know the one of the things I love about this system is I’m on Facebook, I’m on YouTube. I’m on Mike Stewart dot live as Gary Vaynerchuk says be everywhere. Who said this? I love this land. Yes, it’s the law of reciprocity. Now the words when you put good things out in the world, it is a physical law that good things should come back. And and so I’m a firm believer in that. So let’s see if there’s any other questions here because I don’t want to miss any. Thank you, Vicki. Thank you. Everybody’s making great comments. I love this. Look at that. We love your music. That’s what you’re supposed to do land. That’s that. I love that feedback. And I need to make some more. If there’s no no other questions, we’ll probably wind it down here.

Michael Stewart
I’m the old dog, but I love new tricks. And I love music. And I love my family. Boy, I’ve got some I got the cutest grand-kids in the world. Golly, I love them. And but I I don’t love negativity, and I don’t love problems. I like solving problems. And I’m passionate about what a webcam and a microphone and music can do for people’s lives. And that’s that’s why I’m doing Mike Stewart live. So more importantly, if this is your last Tom, you know, you know a lot but for you to say you learned a couple of things. That was the purpose of of today’s episode. And thank you. Thank you, Pamela. Yeah, I’ll tell Susan Susan on the road. She’s been with the grand-kids all weekend. So we’re probably getting off a little bit subject. This is your last call for some questions, but great interactivity, this is what energizes a show is having, you know, people come live and interact with you. And and I you know, to see real human beings and real the world say you give great information and value that motivates you to want to do it again, I was almost it’s first doing these live things dreading them. Now I look forward to them, I start thinking about what am I going to do next? How can I make it better? What went wrong? How can I How can I make this thing live, you know, for a long time and help a lot of people. And then of course, at the end of the day, this is all about let’s be able to take care of our families and thrive and survive and the crazy world we live in. So 37 minutes, I probably you’re more more than welcome Lin. Thanks for all the great comments. We’ll be back in two weeks. If you have a chance you ought to check out click seminars dot live. Another one of my friends and concept. Having some great speakers yesterday, we actually had the great Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul, as is one of our presenters and he had an awesome presentation. Alicia little Armand Morin is this Friday, so Oh, okay. Well, here’s a good question. How pricey a stream yard Michael stream yard is free to practice and learn at first, and then I have the $25 a month account, I pay 200 and something a year unlimited live streams. My gosh, it’s probably one of the best values I’ve ever seen for doing all this stuff. And of course, I teach everything how I do that and dot live secrets. So check out but my affiliate link is join the stream You know, it doesn’t cost you anything but but me referring you to to stream yard. If you go to join stream it lets them know that I referred you. And if you ever thought about doing a podcast check out done for you podcast service calm. That’s something that I’m doing for Pest Control agencies. I’m doing it for all kinds of businesses, and going to have a lot of folks that are getting content marketing in place. So great questions today. Thanks, guys for being here. And in two weeks. We’ll have another show. Tell your friends. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Subscribe to the email. Don’t unsubscribe from the email because I promise I won’t send you a lot of emails. I’ll just only send you emails when I think they’re important. And have a great day. We’ll see you next time.


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